Leverage Robotics GmbH
Where we are?
We have our premises for our research and development work in the Gate – Garching Technology and Start-up Centre
Lichtenbergstr. 8
85748 Garching b. München.
Leverage Robotics is a spin-off of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), which is dedicated to the task of making the production of the future more flexible and efficient through the use of lightweight robots with technology transfer from the Factory of the Future research topic. To this end, we are developing highly flexible and intelligent plug & produce robot cells for fast set-up times in multitasking applications. With our innovative robot tool technology, complex and diverse tasks in the areas of logistics, assembly, quality and, in particular, machine loading and start-of-line applications can be realised efficiently. Each of these tools has software modules, so-called robot capabilities, which enable intuitive robot programming even for non-experts. The simplified applicability of robots means that regional production can be realised and outsourcing of production with long delivery routes can be avoided.
Das Gründerteam
Dr. Roman Weitschat
Founder and CEO
Business and Strategic Development
Marketing and Sales
Technical Innovation
Dimitri Butsch
Founder and CEO
Mechatronics and Mechanics
Hardware Development
Robot Tooling and Peripherals
Jan Cremer
Founder and CEO
Software und Electronics
Software Development and
Robot Intelligence
Flexible robot automation as part of the factory of the future. As an industry-oriented joint project, the latest innovative technologies were researched that will make the factories of the future more flexible and efficient.
Funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy enables young research teams to develop their idea into a marketable product. With the EXIST research transfer, the Leverage Robotics idea was elaborated and further developed
Leverage Robotics GmbH was founded on April 1, 2021 with the aim of making the developed technologies available to the market and bringing production back to Europe. Flexible regional production is the key technology of the future.
EXIST funding phase 1 has been successfully completed. The project objectives were achieved.
Seed Investment für Leverage Robotics
The first round of financing has been successfully completed. The development of the turnkey robot cells can now continue.
Leverage Robotics GmbH is fully decoupled from the German Aerospace Center and moves into its offices in the Gate start-up center in Garching
The ToolCubes are product-ready and available on the market.
The first robot cell is ready! The FactoryCube from Leverage Robotics enables component-flexible loading of machines. With the double robot system, the shortest cycle times can be realized and a wide variety of components can be handled with the ToolCubes.